2009年8月17日 星期一


Madeleine Peyroux

Dance Me to the End of Love

J'ai Deux Amours

now that's what I call jazz :)

2009年8月11日 星期二


Saa Magni

Oumou Sangare - Saa Magni (Death Is Terrible)

Oumou Sangare - Saa Magni
(Death Is Terrible)
... a very sad song
... une bien triste chanson

Saa Magni
O death; O death
Death is so harsh
Death is so cruel
Death who struck down Amadou Ba Guindo
But spares no creature
Nothing can stop it
Not even fame
Or having many children
Great riches and many friends
Amadou is gone
And when I go to Douentza I will not see him again
He will never be seen again in Bamako
In Douentza Tenin Ongoïna cries for you
Whilst in Bamako Amadou cries for you
As Adja' cries for you
Your widow Fanta cries for her missing husband
For Guindo has disappeared, struck down by treacherous death
In Bamako your old friend Alou Tracré misses you
How bitter is death, how bitter separation
It is hard to break the links (of friendship)
How hard it is to be separated from one's people, Guindo
But death spares no one
The Grim Reaper of hope did not spare Amadou Guindo
If it did not spare the Prophet Mohammed
Just as it struck down Amadou Chérif
Leaving his father Bouba in pain
May his soul rest in peace
How harsh is separation, how harsh death
And merciless death strikes without distinction
Villainous death crouches at a bend in the path, lying in wait for us
May God preserve us from it
But death spares no one
It strikes in the prime of life
Perfidious death crouches at a bend in the path
O death; O death
You did not spare Guindo
No creature can escape you
O death; O death, how you are cruel

2009年8月3日 星期一


Nouvelle Vague - 3

Nouvelle Vague出新專輯了,還是一樣令人頭皮發麻,個人覺得很適合一群人廢在房間裡,弄的一整個煙霧瀰漫、手裡端著酒杯﹝乖寶寶喝烏龍茶﹞,用著一種極度不健康的模式來體會他們的音樂.....

Nouvelle Vague - NOT KNOWING - Irving Plaza, New York - 6/17/09

六月十七在紐約Irving Plaza的實況演出

Nouvelle Vague - Human Fly

I got a garbage brain, It's drivin' me insane, 不知道該怎麼形容這首歌,歌詞超超超有個性,加上Phoebe Tolmer的嗓音以及她令人絕倒的演譯方式,有別於The Cramps的版本,Nouvelle Vague等於賦予了這首歌全新的生命,只是總會撩起我滿腹的怨念,欸~~~好想聽她們的現場演唱啊啊啊啊啊~~~

2009年8月1日 星期六








